Have you audited your closet lately? If you're anything like me, you probably look at your closet and think auditing it is something to do another day. It is a big job, but one that is worthwhile because you will cull out the chaff that prevents you from seeing the fantastic outfits you already have, and it prevents you from seeing the gaps in your collection that scream, "YOU GET TO GO SHOPPING!" Plus, the castoffs that still have some life in them get to go to either a consignment shop that will give you a percentage of the sale of your items, or they can be donated to a shelter or other charity organization that will make sure another woman will enjoy the pieces you no longer need. Are you ready to make sense out of your closet? Let's get started.
First, set aside an afternoon when you can work uninterrupted as this project could take a few hours. You'll need:
1. a supply of thin, felt-covered hangers that take up less space than those heavy plastic ones (Costco has nice hangers for a very low price - something like $15 for 35 hangers)
2. a space to place items that will go to a consignment shop (another room - out of sight, out of mind)
3. a large bag for items going to charity
4. a bag for items going to the trash
5. optional but very helpful for sorting: a rolling rack to hang items you will keep
6. a determined mindset that is willing to make firm and final decisions
Step 1:
Empty your closet! Put everything on your bed. Now you are obligated to finishing this project because you won't be able to sleep until your bed is uncovered! Plus, you'll discover some hidden treasures you probably forgot were pushed way in the back behind that chaff you need to get rid of. Don't be afraid. Do it!
Step 2:
The sorting process begins! How do you decide what is chaff and what is gold? After all, that chaff was once gold, right? Plus, sometimes chaff is just tarnished gold...should it stay or should it go? Well, here are the steps to follow to make those decisions. Just make sure that your decisions are firm. Don't waffle! There are many more pieces of gold you can shop for after all, right?
1. Is the item worn out, misshapen, faded or pilled? If yes, then OUT IT GOES! Put it firmly into the TRASH bag....NOW!
2. Does the item fit? If not, place it in either the consignment area or charity bag keeping in mind that consignment shops generally only take items that are on hangers and are current in fashion and still in good, wearable condition. Charities aren't as picky, but don't give them stuff that should be tossed - please.
3. If the item fits, is it still in fashion? If no, send it to charity or toss it in the trash.
4. If the item fits and it is still in fashion, do you LOVE it? Have you worn it within the past year, or has it only been closet decoration? I have this one white tank that has a cute silver doodad that gathers the fabric in just the right place. I LOVE that shirt, and it fits! When have I last worn it? Ummmm....I do not remember. I haven't parted with it because I want to wear it! Thing is, it's time to part with that piece of closet decoration because I'm not giving it the love it deserves. Sad. I know. :'( But decisions need to be firm and final.
5. Does the item flatter your figure? Do you look GREAT in it? If yes, then KEEP!
Step 3:
Organize your closet! Everyone has their own idea of how to best organize their closet according to how they "shop" for their daily outfits.
I'll share how I've organized mine. Due to how my closet is configured, I have it divided in two with subdivisions within each. The left half of my closet is for warm weather items such as tanks, tee shirts and light or short-sleeved blouses. Within this division, everything is sorted by occasion (my house cleaning tee shirts don't get to mingle with my dressy blouses) and then by style. Some people go so far as to sort by color too, but when it comes time to doing laundry, I take a short-cut and just hang like items with like items. I can see what color they are! From left to right, I hang my camis, then tanks, sleeveless dressy tops, short-sleeved blouses, dressy tees and then waaaay over to the right, I hang those worn out tee shirts that are only good enough to bathe my dogs in. My cold weather items are hung on the right side of the closet (oh, did I mention my husband has to use a closet in another bedroom?? ;) ) On that side, I sort from left to right in this order: jackets, sweaters (it's better to fold sweaters, but I don't have shelf space!), turtle/cowl necks, long sleeved shirts, dress blouses, skirts, pants, and then dresses.
You get the idea. Think of how clothes are displayed in a boutique! Who says you can't have your own boutique in your own closet to shop from each day? Make your closet attractive, so you can have FUN making outfits for yourself!
Step 4:
Shop from your own closet! Your closet is like a painter's pallet. Be creative! Be daring! Put together the wildest combinations to dare yourself and stretch your imagination! You'll be surprised by what is already there. Really, we are limited more by our mindset than by what is in our closets. Timing is important with this exercise. It can't be done when you are in a rush to get out the door for work. Who has time to be creative when you are running late? If you play in your closet the night before, I can assure that you will have a fun outfit the next day if you lay it out the night before. Playing with your pallet of clothes is not only fun, but necessary. How else are you going to discover the gaps in your collection? If you shop like most of us, you pick up a piece or two here and there and hang it in the closet. Soon, you have a collection that quite likely is overlooking SOMETHING. Perhaps you gravitate toward one color and never consider pieces of another color. Perhaps that brightly colored floral scarf you ignored at the store would really enhance that light blue sweater you never wear because it just looks "blah". Play. Discover. Find an excuse to go SHOPPING!
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